
Under the Manage Resources tab, you'll find 4 pages:

Resource Tracking

This page allows dispatchers, leads to manage PEO availability.

  • They can create, modify and inactivate accounts.

  • Resource Tracking logs are available for PEOs

Manage Vehicles

This page is for user roles that contain "Dispatcher", "PE Admin" only. It allows you to add/edit a vehicle, add vehicle log, note and delete vehicle inspections.

Manage Vehicles Checkout Inspections

This page is for dispatchers, leads, supervisors to manage vehicle checkout inspections. This allows a user to submit a pre-trip and post-trip on any vehicle (bicycle, gas, electric and hybrids).

The checkout inspections forms allow users to submit observations and photos about the vehicle and important metrics about the vehicle (mileages, gas tank levels, etc..)

Vehicle Checkout Transactions

This page is a transaction history summary of all vehicle checkout records.

Last updated