Submit Post-Trip Vehicle Checkout Inspection

  1. Select a vehicle you plan to checkout in the Vehicle Name column

  2. Under Vehicle Checkout Inspections

  3. Click Add Vehicle Checkout Inspections

  4. Fill out form fields:

    1. Start Time: Time of check out

    2. Beats: Select which beat assignment you're working on

    3. Vehicle Type

      1. Electric

      2. Gas

      3. Hybrid

      4. Bicycle

    4. Vehicle ID Tag: Vehicle name

    5. Trip trip: Select which trip type it is

      1. Pre-trip

      2. Post-trip

    6. Ending Mileage: Enter ending mileage of vehicle

    7. Bike Review (If applicable)

      1. Select all check boxes to confirm areas have been inspected

    8. Exterior Review

      1. Select OK - if all area has been inspected and in working condition

      2. Select ISSUE - if there is an issue with that area and provide comments

    9. Interior Review

      1. Select OK - if all area has been inspected and in working condition

      2. Select ISSUE - if there is an issue with that area and provide comments

    10. Fluids - Tire - Engine Check

      1. Select radio button besides I verify that I have checked the fluids, tire and engine checklist upon review of all checklist items

    11. Gear - Safety Review

      1. Select radio button besides I verify that I have checked that all the required materials, gear, and safety equipment on checklist are accounted for upon review of all checklist items

    12. Observations

      1. Enter N/A - if no concerns or observation issues are present

      2. Enter any notes regarding concerns or observations made about the vehicle

    13. Vehicle Photos

      1. Add photos of vehicle that are of that area: Front, Left Side, Back, Right Side, Front Seat, Back Seat

    14. Acknowledgement Signatures

      1. Driver Name - Begin typing your Radio # or name to select your name

      2. Lead Signature - Lead signature is verification that vehicle check was completed by employee

    15. Click Submit

Last updated