Module Functionality

Module Functionality

New Work Order

  • SMB Staff creates "New Work Order" - enters location information and work assignment numbers, feature ID (way to relate back to GIS data layer)

Contractor Work Orders page (Main/Parent table)

SMB Staff

  • Work Order records compiled on table view

  • Ability to quickly "Issue" from the table view

    • modal, select Assigned To - contractor system account, will update Assigned Contractor field


  • Only assigned work order records compiled on table view (won't see other contractor records)

Work Order Details page

This page has all the work order information

  • Top level menu (Edit, Add Photo, Issue, Add Inspection, Approve, Close)

  • Table to show any photo attachments

  • Table to show inspections

  • Table to show Dates Worked

  • Table to show Materials Used

  • Details containing digital Signatures

Edit button

Allows staff to update any work order information that may be incorrect

Photo Attachment

  • both SMB staff and contractor can upload photos

SMB Staff

  • User can click Add Photo and then take a photo from their mobile device or upload an existing photo from a gallery


  • Contractor can click Add Photo and then take a photo from their mobile device or upload an existing photo from a gallery

Issue Work Order button

  • SMB Staff will have button on their page to Issue work order. (similar to SMB Supervisor/Assigner)

  • The button just changes status from "NEED TO BE ISSUED" to "ISSUED"

Submit Work Order button


  • Contractor will have button on their page to Submit for Review. (similar to Markings technicians)

  • Captures the Submitted Date (date contractor submits work order to ATD), Submitted By

  • They will be required to electronically sign before the form can be submitted


SMB Staff

  • Can create a new inspection record, update Inspect, Inspection Status, add Inspection Issue/Comment, triggers field for follow-up


  • Will see the created records on their page, can edit the inspection record by only commenting and updating the status.

  • When status is updated the follow-up status will change to Ready to Inspect so that the SMB inspector can see there is a follow-up inspection required.


  • SMB Inspector will have button on their page to Approve. (similar to SMB technicians)

  • This will mean they have inspected the location/project and no issues are present

  • They will be required to electronically sign the approval


SMB staff can change status from "Approved" to "Closed"

Last updated