Submitting an application

1. Navigate to the Portal page, go to Get Started button

2. Review the application requirements, when ready click --> Start Application button at the bottom of the page

3. Fill out the application fields

Use the Application Type drop-down field to select your application type.

  • New: Never submitted application before

  • Renewal: Have a current license that is set to expire

4. Use the Type of Device drop-down to select the device you'd like to license.

5. Use the Permit Term drop-down to select the term you'd like to be licensed for

6. Enter the Permit Year, entering a four digit year (ex. 2022)

7. Click the + Create button to continue

Parent Company section

1. Fill out Parent Company fields:

  • Business Name - Name of the business

  • Business Structure - Explain the type of business structure

  • Parent Address - Parent business address

  • Street Address - Additional address fields

  • Street Address 2 - Additional address fields

  • City - City that parent business exists

  • State - State that parent business exists

  • Zip - Zip code that parent business exists

  • Parent Contact Name - Contact Name of parent business

  • Parent Phone - Phone number of parent business

  • Parent Email - Email address of parent business

2. Click Save & Continue to Business Information

Business Information section

1. Fill out Business Information fields:

  • Company Name - Should show your company's name

  • Business Name/DBA - The business alias, doing business as

  • Sales Tax Number - Sales tax number issued to your business

  • Business Structure Type - Select the business structure type that applies to your business

  • Business Structure Type - Other - if your business structure type is not one of the choices, explain here

  • Business Address - Business address

  • Street Address - Additional address fields

  • Street Address 2 - Additional address fields

  • City - City that business exists

  • State - State that business exists

  • Zip - Zip code that parent business exists

  • Business Phone - Phone number of business

  • Business Email - Email address of business

2. Click Save & Continue to Past Performance

Past Performance section

1. Fill out Past Performance fields:

  • Have you held a permit issued by the City of Austin and/or any adjacent cities or counties that has been revoked?

  • Has your company been fined or had property impounded by the City of Austin and/or any adjacent cities or counties?

  • Acknowledgement of Outstanding fees & fines - acknowledgment that you don't have any outstanding fees/fines owned to the City of Austin and/or any other cities or counties.

2. Click Save & Continue to Fleet Information

Fleet Information section

1. Fill out Fleet Information fields:

  • Fleet Size - How many devices are in your fleet?

  • Fleet Type - Select the type of device your fleet is

2. Click Save & Continue to Required Attachments

Last updated