Rating Major Responsibilities

Outstanding Performance

  • Performance is noticeably outstanding; employee always demonstrates outstanding performance for major responsibilities. Employee is a role model and far exceeds expectations.

  • Employee requires minimal supervision in order to always produce exceptional results in their job responsibilities.

  • Employee always learns both on-the-job and independently to acquire additional knowledge and or skills, and regularly applies new knowledge/skills to their regular job performance. Employee inspires, assists, trains, or helps develop other employees in work-related skills initiatives.

  • Performance always demonstrates initiative to plan and anticipate problems. Employee always takes appropriate action.

In order to receive an Overall Performance Rating of Outstanding, the Individual performance ratings in most major job responsibilities must be at an Outstanding level and no ratings below the Commendable level. The supervisor must have documentation to support their rating.

Commendable Performance

  • Performance consistently and regularly exceeds performance expectations and requirements for major responsibilities. Performance is superior and commendable.

  • Performance contributes more than what is expected of a qualified employee performing in this position.

  • Employee requires minimal supervision to consistently produce results that exceed expectations.

  • Employee learns both on-the-job and through their own initiative, acquires additional knowledge or skills, and applies additional knowledge or skills to his/her regular job performance.

In order to receive an Overall Performance Rating of Commendable, the Individual performance ratings in most major job responsibilities are at an Commendable level. There can be no individual performance ratings below Successful. The supervisor must have documentation to support their rating.

Successful Performance

Performance fully meets standards and achieves all expectations and requirements in major job responsibilities Performance contributes what is expected of a qualified employee performing in this position. Performance requires a normal level of supervision and follow-up. Employee acquires or maintains knowledge, skills, or abilities to perform successfully. In order to receive an Overall Performance Rating of Successful, the Individual performance ratings in nearly all major job responsibilities must be at a Successful level or higher. There must be no more than one individual performance rating of Needs Improvement and no rating of Unsatisfactory Performance. The supervisor must have documentation to support their rating.

Performance Needs Improvement

  • Performance is below standard expectations in one or more major job responsibilities.

  • Employee requires more than a normal level of supervision or assistance to accomplish work results.

  • Improvement is necessary to meet satisfactory levels of performance.

In order to receive an Overall Rating of Needs Improvement, the employee must have at least one Individual performance rating of Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement in major responsibilities. The supervisor will weigh the relative importance of the individual Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement rating(s) against the other responsibilities being evaluated and determine the impact on the Overall Performance Rating. The supervisor must have documentation to support their rating.

The supervisor may initiate a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for any Performance Rating of Needs Improvement. The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be in place for at least 3 months. The employee must achieve a rating of Successful at their next evaluation following the completion of the PIP or receive an Unsatisfactory performance rating or be subject to reassignment, demotion, or termination of employment.

Unsatisfactory Performance

  • Performance fails to meet documented performance expectations for major responsibilities.

  • Performance is below what is expected of an employee normally working in this area.

  • Employee requires a high level of supervision or assistance to accomplish work results.

  • Immediate improvement is necessary to meet the standard or acceptable levels of performance.

In order to receive an Overall Rating of Unsatisfactory, the employee must have at least one Individual performance rating of Unsatisfactory in major responsibilities. The supervisor will weigh the relative importance of the individual Unsatisfactory rating(s) against the other services and responsibilities being evaluated and determine the impact on the Overall Performance Rating. The supervisor must have documentation to support their rating.

The supervisor may initiate a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for any Unsatisfactory Performance rating. The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be in place for at least 3 months. The employee must achieve a rating of Successful at his/her next evaluation following the completion of the PIP or be subject to reassignment, demotion, or termination of employment.

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