Review and Edit SSPR | Employee

Review and Edit Employee Mid-year/Year-end SSPR

1. Go to Forms tab, click My Forms

2. Click on Details icon under "Success Strategy Performance Reviews | SSPRs" table for the current Fiscal Year SSPR

Review SSPR

3. Under Priorities section, toggle to the review period that the SSPR status is in: (Mid Year, Year End, etc.)

4. Review each of the Priorities for the Meeting Type. Review Rating and Supervisor/Manager Comments

5. Review the COA Competencies section ratings for the current SSPR review period. Review the rating for each COA Competency and Supervisor/Manager Comments

6. Review Employee Develop Plan section if any changes were made

7. Go to Supporting Documentation section. Select + OPTIONAL | Add Documentation to Add Supporting Documentation which can include a file and/or link of your accomplishments and projects

8. Navigate to SSPR Meeting Signatures locate the current Meeting Date and Meeting Type.

9. Select the Edit button icon in the Employee eSignature column.

Add Comments

10. If SSPR status is in:

  • Mid-year | Employee Feedback

  • Year-end | Employee Feedback

  • Special Review | Employee Feedback

There will be an optional comment field for you to provide any comments regarding your SSPR

When you provide Feedback Comments, an email notification will be sent the Supervisor/Manager.

11. Click Save to save comments

Digital Signature

12. Type your name in the Employee eSignature column.

13. When complete click Submit at the bottom of the form.

Employee would complete these steps for each SSPR Meeting Type.

Once an employee has signed the SSPR and Submitted, the SSPR can not be modified until the next SSPR review period.

An employee is able to attach Supporting Documentation throughout the year.

Additional Comments by Employee

Last updated