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This is the general process we use to release new code to one of our custom applications. The Apps team has defined a separate, specialized .
The Product Manager & Dev Lead collaboratively plan what issues will be included in the release
The Dev Lead ensures that all issues are assigned, completed, and tested before the release
After a pull request is reviewed by several devs, the PM reviews and adds any new functionality to the QA test script
The Dev Lead creates a single pull request that includes the scope of the release Example:
The Dev Lead cleans up release notes Example:
The release branch is deployed to Staging and the PM performs QA testing
The PM notifies users of scheduled downtime
Release party 🎉
PM merges pull request
Dev Lead notifies #atd-dev that the pull request has been tested, approved, and merged
PM sends release notes to stakeholders and users
Team debriefs on the process and updates the steps as needed
Dev Lead creates an issue for the next release
Application-specific versions of this process are written as issues so they can be tracked collaboratively for each release. Example: