Map libraries

Libraries used to create Moped web maps

This is a (Uber) library that provides a React API for Mapbox GL JS and serves as a client to present and select geospatial data within Moped. An example of the data represented in the web maps in this application is the project extent viewed in the Project Summary view or the Map tab of a project.

To draw project lines or project points and add them to the geography of a component, we use Mapbox GL Draw which is the first-party plugin for drawing on a Mapbox GL JS map. The API documentation is here. Currently in Moped, the draw modes are limited to simple_select, draw_line_string, and draw_point.

This is the first-party geocoding plugin for Mapbox GL which uses the Mapbox Geocoding API. To limit the geocoder results, the the bbox prop of this library is used along with the bbox array from the feature collection returned from this query (Austin Full Purpose Jurisdiction).

  type: "FeatureCollection",
  crs: {
    type: "name",
    properties: {
      name: "EPSG:4326",
  bbox: [
  features: [],

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