Shared Mobility Licenses & Permits

A license is tied to a provider account. This is where the license start and end period can be entered. These dates will be the primary start/end dates to the permits associated to the provider.

A provider can hold multiple permits. A permit must be issued if the provider is choosing to deploy devices in a different geographic area. If they decide to change the amount of devices and/or the geographic area a new permit must be issued.

Ex. 100 devices in DAPCZ

  • the provider DOESN'T want to change the location or number of devices, than this permit can be renewed.

  • the provider DOES want to change either the location or the number of devices, a new permit needs to be created

    • Provider wants to add 50 more units to a geographic area - 150 in DAPCZ

    • Provider wants to deploy 100 units in new zone, Zone 1 - 100 in Zone 1

Last updated