
Initial Interest Phase

  • User reviews Shared Mobility website and resources

  • User submits an Expression of Interest

  • Reviewer reviews and talks to interested provider

If eligible to apply:

  • Reviewer creates account for user and provider record

  • Email sent to provider to login

Application Phase

  • Provider logs into account

  • Review Shared Mobility Portal page, Get Started

  • Fills out Application - In "Not Submitted" status

  • Added all required documents

  • Submits application

Review Phase

  • Reviewer get email to review application - now in "Needs Review" status

  • Starts review process

  • Review attachments

  • Changes statuses

  • Makes comments

  • Emails provider for corrections

  • Change status to "In Progress - Pending Action" status

Correction Phase

  • Provider receives email to make correction on application (ex. re-upload documents)

  • Provider re-uploads document

  • Confirms "Action Complete"

Review Corrections Phase

  • Reviewer get email to review application - now in "In Progress - Complete Action" status

  • Starts review process

  • Review attachments

  • Changes statuses

  • Makes comments

  • Emails provider for final document submission (bond & insurance)

  • Change status to "Pending Approval - Pending Action" status

Final Submission Phase

  • Provider receives email to upload final submission documents (ex. bond and insurance documents)

  • Provider uploads documents

  • Confirms "Action Complete"

Final Review Phase

  • Reviewer get email to review application - now in "Pending Approval - Complete Action" status

  • Starts review process

  • Review attachments

  • Changes statuses

  • Makes comments

  • Emails provider on how to make payment

  • Change status to "Pending Approval - Pending Payment" status

Permit Team Review Phase

  • Starts review process

  • Review attachments

  • Changes statuses

  • Makes comments

  • Clicks Approve button

  • Fills out pertinent information for building Approval letter

Adding Permits to Provider page

  • Reviewer needs to add permits to Provider page so that permit areas will show up on Approval letter

  • Once complete

  • Change status to "Approve" status

Last updated